
Research into "green jobs": time spent doing green tasks, UK, 1997 to 2019

Dyddiad y datganiad: 7 Mawrth 2022 9:30am


This article provides new experimental estimates of the time spent doing green tasks, over time, by UK country and by industry. It uses a new method, based on task-level data from the O*NET database in the US.



  • Truncated proportional conversion between ISCO-08 and UK SOC classifications

    Conversion between International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) and the UK Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) 2000 and 2010. Developed as part of research into "green jobs" using an occupation- and task-based approach. Used to convert US Occupational Information Network (O*NET) data to UK SOC codes.

  • Estimated time spent on green tasks by occupation code

    Estimates of the fraction of time spent doing green tasks, by occupation code using the Standard Occupation Classification (SOC) 2000 and SOC 2010. Part of research into "green jobs", using an occupation- and task-based approach.

  • Time spent on green tasks

    Experimental estimates of the time spent doing green tasks, over time, by UK country and by industry. The estimates use a new method based on task-level data from the O*NET database in the US.

Manylion cyswllt


Josh Martin and Ellys Monahan




+44 1633 455783