Monthly Mortality analysis: July 2021
23 Awst 2021 9:30am
Datganiad nesaf:
21 September 2021
Provisional death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country. Includes deaths due to COVID-19 and leading causes of death.
Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) by month of registration, UK
Provisional age-standardised mortality rates for deaths involving COVID-19 by sex and month of death registration, for England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.
Deaths registered monthly in England and Wales
Number of deaths registered each month by area of usual residence for England and Wales, by region, county, health authorities, local and unitary authority, and London borough.
Monthly mortality analysis, England and Wales
Provisional data on death registrations and death occurrences in England and Wales, broken down by sex and age. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.
Deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) by English region and Welsh health board
Provisional age-standardised mortality rates for deaths due to COVID-19 by sex, English regions and Welsh health boards.
Pre-existing conditions of people who died due to coronavirus (COVID-19), England and Wales
Pre-existing conditions of people who died due to COVID-19, broken down by country, broad age group, and place of death occurrence, usual residents of England and Wales.