
Internet users in the UK: 2017

Rhyddhawyd: 19 Mai 2017 9:30am
Datganiad nesaf: 31 May 2018


Internet use by adults aged 16 years and over. By age, sex, disability, geographical location and weekly earnings.


  • Internet users in the UK: 2017

    How internet use is correlated to various socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, sex, disability and geographical location. The annual estimates are based on Quarter 1 of each survey year.


  • Internet users

    Internet use in the UK annual estimates by age, sex, disability, ethnic group, economic activity and geographical location, including confidence intervals.

Manylion cyswllt


Cecil Prescott




+44 (0)1633 456767

Ynglŷn â'r data

Accredited Official Statistics

These are accredited official statistics. They have been independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and found to comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This broadly means that the statistics:

  • meet user needs
  • are presented clearly and accessibly
  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest