
Electoral statistics for UK: 2016

Rhyddhawyd: 16 Mawrth 2017 9:30am
Datganiad nesaf: February 2018


People registered to vote in parliamentary and local government elections as recorded in the electoral registers published on 1 December (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland).


  • Electoral statistics, UK: 2016

    People registered to vote in Parliamentary and local government elections as recorded in the electoral registers published on 1 December for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


  • Electoral statistics for the UK

    Electoral registrations for parliamentary and local government elections as recorded in electoral registers for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Manylion cyswllt


Neil Park




+44 (0)1329 444661

Ynglŷn â'r data

Accredited Official Statistics

These are accredited official statistics. They have been independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) and found to comply with the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in the Code of Practice for Statistics. This broadly means that the statistics:

  • meet user needs
  • are presented clearly and accessibly
  • are produced using appropriate data and sound methods
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest

Pre-release access list

The phrase 'Pre-release Access' refers to the practice whereby official statistics in their final form, and any accompanying written commentary, are made available to an eligible person in advance of their publication. The rules and principles which govern pre-release access are featured within the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008.

Besides ONS staff, the following persons are given pre-release access by the period indicated before release.

Name Organisation Period
Minister for the Constitution Cabinet Office 21 hours
Private Secretary Cabinet Office 21 hours
Deputy Director Cabinet Office 21 hours
Policy Official Cabinet Office 21 hours
Principal Analyst Cabinet Office 21 hours