
Cause of death coding in mortality statistics, software changes: January 2022

Dyddiad y datganiad: 7 Ionawr 2022 9:30am


The differences in mortality data for England and Wales coded to ICD-10, produced by changing from cause of death coding using the software MUSE 5.5 to the updated version MUSE 5.8. The previous update from IRIS 4.2.3 to MUSE 5.5 occurred in January 2020. An account of the differences produced by changing from cause of death coding from IRIS 4.2.3 to MUSE 5.8 is also provided.


  • Cause of death coding in mortality statistics, software changes: January 2022

    The software used to code death registrations in England and Wales changed from MUSE 5.5 to MUSE 5.8 on 1 January 2022. This paper details the differences in cause of death coding when using MUSE 5.5 software compared with the updated MUSE 5.8 as demonstrated on a sample of mortality data for England and Wales.


Manylion cyswllt


Neil Hopper




+44 1329 444110