
An analytical study into the potential impact of financial engineering on UK Foreign Direct Investment

Dyddiad y datganiad: 29 Gorffennaf 2016 9:30am


An overview of the changes in the stocks of overseas Foreign Direct Investment into the United Kingdom and the potential impact of financial engineering.


  • An analytical study into the potential impact of financial engineering on UK Foreign Direct Investment: July 2016

    UK FDI assets and liabilities have both experienced upward trends during the past decades; however, the increase in FDI liabilities since 2008 has been notably larger. A range of factors could be responsible, such as the performance of the UK economy, an open business approach to foreign investors, and a more resilient rate of return compared with other economies. That said, financial engineering has also recently been cited as a potential factor, and this paper analyses the impact of this on UK FDI statistics.

Manylion cyswllt


Michael Hardie




+44(0) 1633 455923

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