Corrections and notices


18 February 2022

We have corrected an error in tables 4a,4b,4c,5a,5b and 5c. The previous version included deaths that were not statistically significant in the ‘All statistically significant temperature-related causes’ category. The ‘non-temperature related causes’ were also incorrect as they did not include the deaths which were not significantly related to temperature. There should have only been statistically significant causes of death included in the ‘all statistically significant temperature related cause’ category and the ‘non-temperature related causes’ should have included the causes that were not statistically significant.

We have corrected typographical errors in reference tables 2a, 2c, 7b, 7c, 8a, 8b, 8c and the contents page. The previous version of 2a included values for 2020 under the headings ‘non-temperature related deaths’ and ‘other deaths’. It should have included data for 2019. The previous version of 2c included inverted values for two rows of data under the heading ‘change due to more warm days’. This affected the corresponding net values. The pervious versions of 7b, 7c and the contents page had typographical errors in the title and 8 a, 8b and 8c had a typographical error in the heading above one data column.

This happened because of a human error.


15 July 2022

Please note an error has been identified in calculating the number of “fewer cold days” in the period 2001 to 2020. This has resulted in a significant overestimate in the number of fewer cold day deaths. This happened because of human error.

We are also working to improve the methodology used to estimate “Climate-related mortality and hospital admissions” in response to external reviews. We are working on an update and will publish further information as soon as we are assured of the data quality and methods used.

In the meantime, we advise not to use any of the content in this publication, including accompanying datasets, while we improve the quality of this analysis. This is an Experimental Statistic, and we are still developing our understanding of this topic by working with other experts to improve our methodology.

Please contact for more information.

About this Dataset

Counts and rates of deaths and hospital admissions associated with temperature for England and Wales from 2001 to 2020.

Edition in the dataset

1988 to 2022 edition of this dataset

2001 to 2020 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

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Health Statistics and Research
+44 1329 444110