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About this Dataset

Quarterly statistics on conceptions to women aged under 18 years resident in England and Wales; numbers and rates are by regions and other local authority areas.

Edition in the dataset

January to June 2022 edition of this dataset

October to December 2021 edition of this dataset

July to September 2021 edition of this dataset

April to June 2021 edition of this dataset

January to March 2021 edition of this dataset

October to December 2020 edition of this dataset

July to September 2020 edition of this dataset

April to June 2020 edition of this dataset

January to March 2020 edition of this dataset

October to December 2019 edition of this dataset

July to September 2019 edition of this dataset

April to June 2019 edition of this dataset

January to March 2019 edition of this dataset

October to December 2018 edition of this dataset

July to September 2018 edition of this dataset

April to June 2018 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

January to March 2018 edition of this dataset

October to December 2017 edition of this dataset

July to September 2017 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

April to June 2017 edition of this dataset

January to March 2017 edition of this dataset

October to December 2016 edition of this dataset

July to September 2016 edition of this dataset

April to June 2016 edition of this dataset

Jan to Mar 2016 edition of this dataset

Oct to Dec 2015 edition of this dataset

July to Sept 2015 edition of this dataset

Apr to June 2015 edition of this dataset

Jan to Mar 2015 edition of this dataset

Oct to Dec 2014 edition of this dataset

July to Sept 2014 edition of this dataset

April to June 2014 edition of this dataset

Jan to Mar 2014 edition of this dataset

Oct to Dec 2013 edition of this dataset

Jul to Sep 2013 edition of this dataset

April to June 2013 edition of this dataset

Jan to Mar 2013 edition of this dataset

Oct to Dec 2012 edition of this dataset

Jul to Sep 2012 edition of this dataset

April to June 2012 edition of this dataset

Jan to Mar 2012 edition of this dataset

Oct to Dec 2011 edition of this dataset

Jul to Sep 2011 edition of this dataset

April to June 2011 edition of this dataset

Jan to Mar 2011 edition of this dataset

Oct to Dec 2010 edition of this dataset

Jul to Sep 2010 edition of this dataset

April to June 2010 edition of this dataset