About this Dataset

UK healthcare expenditure data by financing scheme, function and provider, and additional analyses produced to internationally standardised definitions.

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Edition in the dataset

2023 edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2022, provisional estimates edition of this dataset

2021 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Supporting files you may find useful

2021, provisional estimates edition of this dataset

2020 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Supporting files you may find useful

2020, provisional estimates edition of this dataset

2019 edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2018 edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2017 edition of this dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Supporting files you may find useful

2016 edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2015 edition of this dataset

Supporting files you may find useful

2014 edition of this dataset

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UK Health Accounts team
+44 1633 45 6551