Set ddata Effects of working from home on finances
About this Dataset
Analysis of how working from home has affected individuals’ spending and how this differs by characteristics, Great Britain.Edition in the dataset
Nodiadau pwysig a gwybodaeth ynghylch defnyddio
The estimates included here are based on data collected from 3 to 14 November 2021 and 19 to 30 January 2022. Latest coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance across each of the countries in Great Britain is available on the
GOV.UK website.
The sample consists of individuals aged 16 years and over living in Great Britain. Questions were asked to all responding adults unless specified otherwise. From 17 April 2020 onwards the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey has been running online and via the telephone, prior to this it was online only.
Refer to lower and upper 95% confidence intervals, respectively. These form a confidence interval, which is a measure of the statistical precision of an estimate and shows the range of uncertainty around the calculated estimate. As a general rule, if the confidence interval around one figure overlaps with the interval around another, we cannot say with certainty that there is more than a chance difference between the two figures.
Weighted count
In order to make the sample of a survey representative of the population, responses are weighted. “Weighted count” provides the representative count for each breakdown; this also takes into account survey design and non-response. Further information on weighting can be found in: Opinions and Lifestyle Survey QMI.
This refers to the total number of respondents for each breakdown. Please note this refers to the total number who responded to each question rounded to the nearest 10, rather than the number who provided each response category. Estimates based on sample sizes of 30 or fewer respondents should be treated with caution.
“Missing data”
There are cases in which respondents do not answer a specific question. Where this happens, they have been excluded from the analysis.
Multiple response questions
Unless stated on the particular data table, the respondent may only choose one option. Questions where the respondent may choose multiple options are indicated on the data tables.
“Individual estimates suppressed with “”..“” relate to statistics based on a small number of respondents (less than 3). Such values have been suppressed on quality grounds and to avoid disclosure issues.
Where the sample size for an entire question, or breakdown thereof is based on 10 or fewer respondents, estimates have been suppressed with “”..“” due to uncertainty in estimates.”
All estimates in this spreadsheet are individually rounded to whole numbers. Totals may not add exactly due to this rounding.
Dependent children
A dependent child is defined as someone who is under the age of 16 years or someone who is aged 16 to 18 years, has never been married and is in full-time education.
Further information on the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey