  • Official Statistics logo
  • Dyddiad y datganiad:
    07 September 2023
  • Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
    To be announced

About this Dataset

A 1% sample of individual records from Census 2021 with no identifying information and available to all for teaching of statistics and social sciences.

Edition in the dataset

Current edition of this dataset

Nodiadau pwysig a gwybodaeth ynghylch defnyddio

The information in public microdata teaching samples has been designed to protect the confidentiality of individuals. We do this by applying access controls and removing information that might directly identify a person, such as names, addresses and date of birth. Record swapping is applied to the census data used to create the public microdata teaching sample. This is a statistical disclosure control (SDC) method, which makes very small changes to the data to prevent identification of individuals. The microdata samples use further SDC methods such as collapsing variables and restricting detail.