5 results , sorted by title
Guest nights, nights and stays for short-term lets by country of origin of international guests, quarterly, UK
The number of guest nights, nights, and stays by country of origin of international guests for short-term lets offered through online collaborative economy platforms (Airbnb, Booking.com and Expedia Group).Allweddeiriau: Guest nights, nights and stays by country of origin of international guests, for short-term lets through online collaborative economy platforms, UK
Guest nights, nights and stays for short-term lets, by country of origin of international guests, monthly, UK
Number of guest nights, nights and stays in short-term lets offered through online collaborative economy platforms, by country of origin of international guests.Allweddeiriau: housing, rental, United Kingdom, tourism
Guest nights, nights and stays for short-term lets, monthly, UK
Number of guest nights, nights and stays in short-term lets offered via online collaborative economy platforms, by month.Allweddeiriau: rental, housing, local administrative unit, LAU, guest night
Guest nights, nights and stays for short-term lets, quarterly, UK
The number of guest nights, nights, and stays for short-term lets offered through online collaborative economy platforms (Airbnb, Booking.com and Expedia Group).Allweddeiriau: short term lets, short-term rental, hosts, b&b
Hosts, listings, and bed spaces of short-term lets, UK: 2023
The number of hosts, listings, and bed spaces for short-term lets offered through online collaborative economy platforms (Airbnb, Booking.com and Expedia Group).Allweddeiriau: short term lets, short-term rental, hosts, b&b