4 results , sorted by title
Index of cancer survival for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England: Table 1
Number of cancer patients included in survival analyses, by calendar year of diagnosis 1997-2012 and Clinical Commissioning Groups.Allweddeiriau: breast cancer,colorectal cancer,lung cancer,neoplasm,tumour
Index of cancer survival for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England: Table 8
Identification of the Clinical Commissioning Groups where the one-year survival index for all cancers combined fell above or below the 99.8% control limits on the funnel plot (Figure 4B) for all adults (aged 15-99 years) diagnosed in 2012.Allweddeiriau: breast cancer,colorectal cancer,lung cancer,neoplasm,tumour
Index of cancer survival for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England: Tables 2 - 4
One-year and five-year survival index (%) for all cancers combined.Allweddeiriau: breast cancer,colorectal cancer,lung cancer,neoplasm,tumour
Index of cancer survival for Clinical Commissioning Groups in England: Tables 5 - 7
One-year survival and five-year survival index (%) for three cancers combined (breast (women), colorectum and lung).Allweddeiriau: tumour,neoplasm,lung cancer,colorectal cancer,breast cancer