7 results , sorted by title
Jewish identity data: age and sex
Jewish identity data by age and sex in England and Wales, Census 2021Allweddeiriau: Jewish identity, age, sex, ethnicity, religion
Jewish identity data: characteristics
Characteristics of people with a Jewish identity in England and Wales, Census 2021.Allweddeiriau: Jewish identity, characteristics, legal partnership status, main language, Yiddis
Jewish identity data: education
People who identified as Jewish and Jewish identity groups by highest level of qualification, England and Wales, Census 2021. -
Jewish identity data: health
People who identified as Jewish and Jewish identity groups by health outcomes.Allweddeiriau: Jewish identity, health, ethnicity, religion
Jewish identity data: housing
People who identified as Jewish and Jewish identity groups by housing outcomes in England and Wales, Census 2021.Allweddeiriau: jewish identity, housing, household size, occupancy rating of bedrooms, ethnicity
Jewish identity data: labour market
People who identified as Jewish and Jewish identity groups by labour market outcomes in England and Wales, Census 2021.Allweddeiriau: Jewish identity, labour market, economic activity, occupation, ethnicity, religion
Jewish identity data: population counts
Population counts for people who identified as Jewish in England and Wales, Census 2021.Allweddeiriau: Jewish identity, population counts, census 2011, ethnicity, religion