4 results , sorted by title
Ethnic group by economic activity status, and occupation, England and Wales, Census 2021
Ethnic group (19 tick-box level) by economic activity status and by occupation, for England and Wales combined. The census data are also broken down by age and by sex for each subtopic.Allweddeiriau: ethnicity, employment, unemployment, looking after home or family, retired, students, professions, jobs, work
Ethnic group by general health, disability and unpaid care, England and Wales, Census 2021
Ethnic group (19 tick-box level) by general health, by disabled and non-disabled populations, and provision of unpaid care, for England and Wales combined. The data are also broken down by age and sex for each subtopic.Allweddeiriau: ethnicity, disability status, unpaid care, health state
Ethnic group by highest level qualification, England and Wales, Census 2021
Ethnic group (19 tick-box level) by highest level qualification, for England and Wales combined. The data are also broken down by age and by sex.Allweddeiriau: ethnicity, education, educational qualifications
Ethnic group by housing tenure and occupancy rating, England and Wales, Census 2021
Ethnic group (19 tick-box level) by dwelling tenure and by occupancy rating, for England and Wales combined. The data are also broken down by age and by sex.Allweddeiriau: ethnicity, housing, rent, social rent, home ownership, overcrowding, over-occupancy