4 results , sorted by title
Deaths related to drug poisoning by date of occurrence, England and Wales
Annual number of deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales. Data are given by cause of death, sex, age, substances involved, and country and region.Allweddeiriau: drug abuse, drug misuse, by substance, by age, mortality
Deaths related to drug poisoning by local authority, England and Wales
Annual number of deaths registered related to drug poisoning, by local authority, England and Wales.Allweddeiriau: drug misuse, drug abuse, by substance, by age, mortality
Deaths related to drug poisoning by selected substances, England and Wales
Annual number of deaths registered related to drug poisoning in England and Wales by sex, region and whether selected substances were mentioned anywhere on the death certificate, with or without other drugs or alcohol, and involvement in suicides.Allweddeiriau: heroin deaths, by substance, drug abuse, drug misuse
Deaths related to drug poisoning, England and Wales
Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales by cause of death, sex, age, substances involved in the death, geography and registration delay.Allweddeiriau: drug misuse,drug abuse,by region,by sex,by age,mortality