All data related to UK armed forces veterans, health and unpaid care, England and Wales: Census 2021
UK armed forces veterans and their family members from Census 2021: self-reported general health, disability and unpaid care by personal characteristics.
Spouses or partners and children or stepchildren who lived in the same household as a veteran by health, disability and unpaid care, household residents, Census 2021.
Spouses or partners and children or stepchildren who lived in the same household as a veteran by health, disability and unpaid care, household residents, Census 2021.
Health, disability and unpaid care by veteran status and personal characteristics, with adjusted estimates for the non-veteran population, usual residents aged 16 years and over, Census 2021.
Health, disability and unpaid care by veteran status and personal characteristics, with adjusted estimates for the non-veteran population, usual residents aged 16 years and over, Census 2021.