All data related to Characteristics of those not in employment as of Census Day 2021:
Breakdown of people out of work, using data from Census 2021. This covers economic inactivity, unemployment, employment history, occupation, and industry.
Census 2021 data outlining the primary industry for people who were not employed on census day. This dataset is at the section level of the Standard Industrial Classification.
Census 2021 data outlining the last main occupation of those who were not employed on census day. Data is at one digit level of the Standard Occupation Classification.
Census 2021 data of the industry of people’s last main job who were not employed on census day. This dataset is at the division level of the Standard Industrial Classification.
Census 2021 data outlining the occupation of the last main job of those who were not employed on census day. This data is at the four-digit level of the Standard Occupational Classification.
Census 2021 data outlining the employment history of those not in employment on census day, including estimates by personal characteristics and reason for not being employed.