• Official Statistics logo
  • Dyddiad y datganiad:
    21 October 2020
  • Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
    18 November 2020
  • ID y set ddata:

About this Dataset

Cost indices (purchase of materials and fuels, average weekly earnings, general expenses and combined costs) relating to four aerospace and electronics industries.

Edition in the dataset

Previous versions of this data are available.

Nodiadau pwysig a gwybodaeth ynghylch defnyddio

  • The data are based on the Standard Industrial Classification SIC (2007) and are calculated on a base year of 2010=100. 

  • The indices are widely used by government and business as an authoritative source of information on inflation, cost adjusting and price variation in trading contracts.

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Emelia D'Silva-Parker
+44 (0)1633 456907

Cyhoeddiadau sy'n defnyddio'r data hwn