All data related to UK House Price Index: February 2016

  • House price data: annual tables

    Set ddata | Released on 17 July 2024

    Annual house price data based on a sub-sample of the Regulated Mortgage Survey.

    Allweddeiriau: dwellings, inflation, property, home, First time buyers

  • House price data: quarterly tables

    Set ddata | Released on 14 August 2024

    Quarterly house price data based on a sub-sample of the Regulated Mortgage Survey.

    Allweddeiriau: dwellings, inflation, property, home, First time buyers

  • House Price Index: weights analysis

    Set ddata | Released on 17 May 2016

    High level summary of the annual mix-adjustment weights used in the production of the ONS House Price Index for the period 2007 to 2016.

    Allweddeiriau: Dwellings, Inflation, Property, Home, First time buyers,dwellings,inflation,property,home,first,time,buyers