All data related to Retail Sales in 2015:
A summary describing retail sales in 2015 in volume and value terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
Detailed retail sales revisions analysis for the current month, Great Britain; includes a 12-month comparison.
Standard error reference tables for the Retail Sales Index in Great Britain.
Internet sales in Great Britain by store type, month and year.
Total sales and average weekly spending estimates for each retail sector in Great Britain in thousands of pounds.
Detailed revisions analysis for three months, Great Britain; includes a 12-month comparison.
A series of retail sales data for Great Britain in value and volume terms, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.
Retail sales categories and descriptions and their percentage of all retailing in Great Britain.
Descriptions and categories of the Internet Sales Index and their percentage of all retailing for Great Britain.
The extent to which individual businesses in Great Britain experienced actual changes in their sales.