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Census 2021 online share of household responses by Lower layer Super Output Area for England and Wales
Proportion of households within each Lower layer Super Output Area (LSOA) that responded to the census online along with the LSOA codes and names, local authority codes and names, country name, paper first flag .
Annex B: Definitions of U-2 to U-6 using Labour Force Survey variables
Description of the variable names used to generate LFS-derived measures of U-2 to U-6.
Births and infant mortality by ethnicity in England and Wales
Babies registered in 2020 named Clementine
Babies registered with the name Adolf or Adolphe
Baby girls per year who have been named Phillippa since 1930
Babies registered with the name Lauren for 1982 and for years prior to 1981
Recorded crime data at Community Safety Partnership and local authority level
Recorded crime figures for Community Safety Partnerships which equates in the majority of instances to local authorities . The data are rolling 12 month totals, with data points shown at the end of each financial year between year ending March 2003 and year ending March 2007 and at the end of each quarter from June 2007. The data cover local authority boundaries from April 2009 onwards and local authority area names correspond to Community Safety Partnership areas.
Company names
Child Mortality and Names