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  • Consumer trends, UK

    Household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) for the UK, as a measure of economic growth. Includes all spending on goods and services by members of UK households.

  • GDP quarterly national accounts, UK

    Revised quarterly estimate of gross domestic product (GDP) for the UK. Uses additional data to provide a more precise indication of economic growth than the first estimate.

  • Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators

    Early data on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and innovative methods. These are official statistics in development.

  • Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional

    Provisional number of deaths registered in England and Wales in the latest weeks.

  • UK business; activity, size and location

    UK businesses broken down by legal status, industry, region, employment and turnover size bands.

  • Average household income, UK

    Estimates of average household income in the UK, with analysis of how these measures have changed over time, accounting for inflation and household composition.

  • Retail sales, Great Britain

    Retail sales rise during the end of the summer season, according to a first estimate.

  • Public sector finances, UK

    How the relationship between UK public sector monthly income and expenditure leads to changes in deficit and debt.

  • Public opinions and social trends, Great Britain

    Social insights on daily life and events, including important issues, cost of living, and artificial intelligence from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN).

  • Funded occupational pension schemes in the UK

    Financial Survey of Pension Schemes (FSPS) estimates including membership, income and expenditure, assets, and liabilities of pension schemes.