110 Datasets that are related to International migration , sorted by release date
International Passenger Survey 3.21, previous main reason for immigration by main reason for emigration, UK (Discontinued after 2019)
The primary purpose for entering UK by purpose for leaving. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.Allweddeiriau: Long Term International Migration, International Passenger Survey, Immigration, Emigration, Net Migration
International Passenger Survey 3.23, previous main reason for immigration by year of arrival in UK (Discontinued after 2019)
The primary purpose for entering UK by the year of entering. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.Allweddeiriau: Long Term International Migration, International Passenger Survey, Immigration, Emigration, Net Migration
International Passenger Survey 4.02, main reason for migration by citizenship (Discontinued after 2019)
International Passenger Survey detailed estimates of Long-Term International Migration: Main reason for migration by citizenship. UK, Underlying datasheet 2.Allweddeiriau: Long Term International Migration, International Passenger Survey, Immigration, Emigration, Net Migration
Long-term international migration 2.02, country of last or next residence, UK and England and Wales (Discontinued after 2019)
Nation of origin or destination of migrants. Estimates of Long-Term International Migration, annual table.Allweddeiriau: Long Term International Migration, International Passenger Survey, Immigration, Emigration, Net Migration
Coronavirus and non-UK key workers
New insights on the characteristics of non-British nationals and non-UK-born in the workforce between 2017 and 2019, including those who could be considered as key workers in the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.Allweddeiriau: COVID19, COVID 19, Corona virus, Coronavirus, key workers, migration, employment
International Passenger Survey, estimates by individual quarter (Discontinued after August 2020)
Individual quarter migration flows to and from the UK. These data are not official statistics.Allweddeiriau: immigration, emigration, net migration, citizenship
Provisional long-term international migration estimates (Discontinued after August 2020)
Migration flows to and from the UK, quarterly tables and charts.Allweddeiriau: Migrants, Immigrants, Emigrants, Asylum, MSQR, LTIM
Migrant labour force within the tourism industry
The underlying figures and data from the Annual Population Survey three-year-pooled dataset (2016 to 2018) and the ONS Longitudinal Study for the publication 'Migrant labour force within the tourism industry: August 2019'Allweddeiriau: migrants, migration, tourism, industry, workers
International migration and the health care workforce
Data on international migration and the healthcare workforce, including how many migrants work in health care in the UK, their age structure, location and changes over time. Data is also presented on specific health professions in England, such as hospital nurses and General Practitioners.Allweddeiriau: migration, health, employment, england, UK
Short-term international migration 07, Inflows by local authority by main reason for migration, England and Wales (Discontinued after mid-2018)
Short-term immigration to regional/unitary government areas. Estimates from the International Passenger Survey, annual table.Allweddeiriau: migration,migrants,short-term migration,immigration,emigration