
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: August 2020
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- To fully understand long-term international migration trends, we need to consider all available data sources; throughout this report, we provide our best assessment of migration trends given data availability.
- In the year ending March 2020, around 313,000 more people moved to the UK, intending to stay for 12 months or more than left the UK (net migration, the balance between immigration and emigration).
- Over the year, around 715,000 people moved to the UK (immigration) and around 403,000 people left the UK (emigration).
Datasets related to Ymfudo rhyngwladol
International migration – table of contents
Tool to locate the datasets of Long-Term International Migration and International Passenger Survey estimates.
Long-term international immigration, emigration and net migration flows, provisional
Estimates for UK immigration, emigration and net migration, year ending June 2012 to year ending June 2024. These are official statistics in development. To access the most up to date data for each time period, please use the most recently published dataset.
Publications related to Ymfudo rhyngwladol
Statistical bulletins
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: August 2020
A summary of the latest long-term international migration estimates for the UK for the year ending March 2020. Data from the Home Office, Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) are also included.
Short-Term International Migration for England and Wales: year ending June 2019
A summary of the latest official short-term international migration (STIM) statistics for England and Wales for the year ending June 2019 published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
2011 Census analysis
We look at characteristics of the population who were born outside the UK. We look at nationality, economic activity, qualifications, occupation, housing, and language with further comparisons being made with how long they have lived in England and Wales. Of the 6 million foreign-born population aged 16 to 64, 63% were in employment, a slightly lower level than those born in the UK at 69%. The percentage of those born abroad identifying with a UK national identity was found to be higher for those with a greater length of residence.
2011 Census analysis
Using historic and 2011 Census data, we look at the immigration patterns of residents who were born outside the UK. Over the past 60 years the population has become more diverse, with an increase in the number of residents who were born outside the UK, from just 4.3% in 1951 to 13% in 2011. The top 5 non-UK countries of birth in 2011 were India, Poland, Pakistan, Republic of Ireland and Germany. We also discuss the possible reasons for migration to the UK.
2011 Census
We look at the usually resident population of the UK who were living at a different address (either in the UK or overseas), 1 year prior to the 2011 Censuses of England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Analysis is by age, sex and geography at national and local levels. Of the total UK population, results show that 12% had a different address 1 year previously, with a high majority of these moving from within the UK.
International Migrants in England and Wales
Using 2011 Census data, we look at international migrants in England and Wales. Analysis by country of birth and passports held are reported at national, regional and local levels. Main findings show an increase in the number of residents who were born outside the UK, with 13% of residents born outside the UK in 2011, compared with just 9% in 2001. The most common non-UK countries of birth in 2011 were India, Poland and Pakistan.
2011 Census
An overview of short-term residents (STRs) in England and Wales who were born outside of the UK and who intend to stay in the UK for a period of between 3 and 12 months. Using 2011 Census data we look at age, sex and economic activity at national, regional and local levels. Main findings show that there were 195,000 short-term residents in England and Wales with 70% of this group aged 15 to 29 years.
Population by Country of Birth and Nationality Report
This report outlines the latest population estimates for the UK by country of birth and nationality, covering the period from 2004 up to the latest data for the year ending December 2014. The report discusses how these figures have changed over this period and highlights any statistically significant changes over the past 2 years in the resident population of the UK.
Methodology related to Ymfudo rhyngwladol
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