
Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Upper Tier Local Authority: England: 2009-11 and comparison with 2006-08
Beth sydd yn y bwletin?
- Females at birth in 2009-11 in England can expect to live a further 1.0 year with a disability than in 2006-08. For males it was a further 0.4 years
- Women at age 65 in England in 2009-11 can expect to live a further 0.6 years without a disability. For men it was an extra 0.5 years without a disability
- Females at birth in Herefordshire in 2009-11 have a Disability-Free Life Expectancy (DFLE) of 71.7 years. This is 16.1 years longer than females in Tower Hamlets, where DFLE was 55.6 years
Datasets related to Disgwyliadau iechyd ac oes
Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain
Period life expectancy at birth and other age groups at regional and local authority levels in constituent countries of Great Britain.
Life expectancy estimates template
Template designed to provide estimates of life expectancy in five-year age bands for a given population.
Life expectancy for local areas of Great Britain, single year periods
Period life expectancy for single-year periods, at birth and other age groups at regional and local authority levels in constituent countries of Great Britain. These are official statistics in development.
Health Expectancies in the United Kingdom, Great Britain, England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland
Contains reference tables of Healthy Life Expectanc at birth and at age 65 by country from 2000–02 to 2009–11.
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 for the UK and Local Areas in Scotland
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 for the UK and local areas in Scotland, 1991-93 to 2010-12
Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65 for the UK and Local Areas in Northern Ireland
Life expectancy at birth and at age 65 for the UK and local areas in Northern Ireland, 1991-93 to 2010-12
Publications related to Disgwyliadau iechyd ac oes
Statistical bulletins
Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Upper Tier Local Authority: England: 2009-11 and comparison with 2006-08
Comparison of disability-free life expectancy estimates between local authorities in 2009-11 with regional breakdowns. Change over time between 2006-08 and 2009-11 is discussed for both regions and upper tier local authorities.
Health Expectancies at Birth and at Age 65 in the United Kingdom: 2009-11
The proportion of life spent in good health or free from a limiting illness or disability in the UK and its constituent countries.
Healthy Life Expectancy at Birth for Upper Tier Local Authorities, England: 2011 to 2013
The proportion of life spent in good health, broken down for counties, London boroughs, unitary authorities and metropolitan districts (excluding the City of London and Isles of Scilly).
Inequality in Disability-Free Life Expectancy by Area Deprivation: England: 2003–06 and 2007–10
Data on the geographical distribution of disability, which the government and private sector can use to make decisions.
Opinions and Lifestyle Survey
Teetotalism, drinking in the week before interview, binge drinking (heavy episodic drinking) and frequent drinking, including changes in drinking patterns in recent years.
Methodology related to Disgwyliadau iechyd ac oes
Darganfyddwch, cymharwch, a dewch yn fyw ystadegau am leoedd yn y Deyrnas Unedig.