Published data related to disability

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  • Estimates of coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by hearing and vision impairment status

    Estimates of the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) for people with and without a hearing or vision impairment identified via hospital records for deaths occurring between 24 January 2022 and 20 July 2022, using linked data from the Office for National Statistics’ Public Health Data Asset. Experimental Statistics.

  • Disabled people's experiences with activities, goods and services in the UK: sample information

    Sample information for qualitative research on disabled people's experiences with activities, goods and services in the UK.

  • Disabled people's access to products and services, Great Britain: February to March 2022

    Indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) on disabled people's experiences of accessing products and services in person in Great Britain. This release uses three waves of survey results covering dates between 16 February and 27 March 2022.

  • Improving disability data to understand the effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) on people with different impairment types

    Data accompanying strategies explored in an examination of administrative health data to provide more detail on the effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) on disabled people by impairment type.

  • Disability pay gaps: mean pays for the Sustainable Development Goals, UK, 2021

  • Disability and housing

    Housing outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 16 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, country and region using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.

  • Disability and well-being

    Average well-being outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 16 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, impairment severity, country and region using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.

  • Disability and employment

    Employment outcomes for disabled people in the UK aged 16 to 64 years, with analysis by age, sex, impairment type, country, region, type of occupation and working patterns using Annual Population Survey (APS) data.

  • Disability and crime

    Anti-social behaviour (ASB) outcomes for disabled people in England and Wales aged 16 and over, with analysis by disability status, country, sex, age, impairment type, type of ASB. Domestic abuse and sexual assault outcomes for disabled people in England and Wales aged 16 to 59 years, with analysis by disability status, age, sex, impairment type, impairment severity, country and region. All outcomes using the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) data.

  • Disability and social participation

    Social participation outcomes for disabled people in England aged 16 years and over, with analysis of participation in civic engagements; social action; volunteering; and groups, clubs or organisations by age, sex, impairment severity and region using the Community Life Survey (CLS) data.