63 Erthyglau that are related to Deaths , sorted by release date
Analysis of geographic concentrations of COVID-19 mortality over time, England and Wales: deaths occurring between 22 February and 28 August 2020 (Latest release)
Recent trends in suicide: death occurrences in England and Wales between 2001 and 2018 (Latest release)
Factors associated with recent changes in the rate of suicide in England and Wales, based on the date of death.Allweddeiriau: mortality, self-harm, death registrations, standard of proof
Change in the standard of proof used by coroners and the impact on suicide death registrations data in England and Wales (Latest release)
Looking at the impact of the change in the standard of proof - the evidence threshold used by coroners - on suicide registrations statistics, England and Wales.Allweddeiriau: male and female suicides, poisoning, accidental deaths, self-harm, mortality
Quality of mortality data during the coronavirus pandemic, England and Wales: 2020 (Latest release)
Description of changes to death certification and registration under the Coronavirus Act 2020 and the impact they have had on the quality of death registration dataAllweddeiriau: quality, mortality, COVID-19, ill-defined conditions
Deaths in private homes, England and Wales (provisional): deaths registered from 28 December 2019 to 11 September 2020 (Latest release)
Provisional figures on deaths in private homes in England and Wales.Allweddeiriau: Mortality, death registrations, coronavirus, covid19, covid 19
Analysis of death registrations not involving coronavirus (COVID-19), England and Wales: 28 December 2019 to 10 July 2020 (Latest release)
Trends in non-COVID-19 deaths, how they compare with the five-year average, and how the nature of deaths may have changed from previous years.Allweddeiriau: mortality, COVID19, COVID 19, corona virus, Excess Deaths
Comparison of weekly death occurrences in England and Wales: up to week ending 10 July 2020 (Latest release)
This article accompanies the weekly deaths release and explains the differences between various data sources that report on coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths.Allweddeiriau: mortality, covid 19, covid-19, COVID-19, death registrations, cause of death, corona virus
Coronavirus and deaths of homeless people, England and Wales: deaths registered up to 26 June 2020 (Latest release)
The number of identified deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) of people who were homeless.Allweddeiriau: covid 19, covid-19, poverty, corona virus
Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by ethnic group, England and Wales: 2 March 2020 to 15 May 2020 (Latest release)
Deaths related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) by ethnic group, including death counts, age-standardised mortality rates, and hazard rate ratios by age, sex and ethnic group.Allweddeiriau: Ethnicity, Mortality, coronavirus, Record Linkage, COVID19, corona virus
Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by religious group, England and Wales: 2 March to 15 May 2020 (Latest release)
Deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) by religious group, including death counts, age-standardised mortality rates, and hazard rate ratios by age, sex and religious group.Allweddeiriau: mortality, COVID 19, COVID19, COVID-19, coronavirus, corona virus