Publications related to public sector personnel

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  • Public Sector Employment, UK : June, 2015

    The official measure of people employed in the UK public sector, including private sector estimates, based on the difference between total UK employment and public sector employment.

  • Public Sector Employment, UK : March 2015

    The official measure of people employed in the UK public sector, including private sector estimates, based on the difference between total UK employment and public sector employment.

  • Public Sector Employment, UK : December 2014

    The official measure of people employed in the UK public sector, including private sector estimates, based on the difference between total UK employment and public sector employment.

  • Public Sector Employment, UK : September 2014

    The official measure of people employed in the UK public sector, including private sector estimates, based on the difference between total UK employment and public sector employment.

  • Civil Service statistics, UK : 2014

    Employment statistics for the Civil Service population, providing regional analyses, diversity and earnings data.

  • Civil Service statistics, UK : 2013

    Employment statistics for the Civil Service population, providing regional analyses, diversity and earnings data.

  • Civil Service Statistics, UK : 2012

    Employment statistics for the Civil Service population, providing regional analyses, diversity and earnings data.