Balance Sheet: S.1: LE: B.90: Total net worth: CP: NSA: £m
£ 12,232,304 m
- Dyddiad y datganiad:
- 11 December 2024
- Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
- To be announced

MQ5: Investment by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts: October to December 2018
Beth sydd yn y bwletin?
- Net disinvestment of £34 billion was reported by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts in Quarter 4 (Oct to Dec) 2018; the largest since the start of this series in 1987.
- This was the first time since comparable records began in 1987 that four consecutive quarters of net disinvestment have been reported by these institutions; to put this into context, the five-year quarterly average for this series is net investment of £1 billion.
- In Quarter 4 2018, the overall net disinvestment of £34 billion by these institutions was caused mainly by net disinvestment in overseas securities (£36 billion) and short-term assets (£9 billion), offset in part by net investment of £7 billion in other assets (mainly mutual funds) and UK corporate securities (£4 billion).
Time series related to Cyfrifon sector y DU
£ 12,232,304 m 2023
- Dyddiad y datganiad:
- 11 December 2024
- Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
- To be announced
£ 1,529,361 m 2023
- Dyddiad y datganiad:
- 11 December 2024
- Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
- To be announced
£ 326,391 m 2023
- Dyddiad y datganiad:
- 11 December 2024
- Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
- To be announced
£ -848,665 m 2023
- Dyddiad y datganiad:
- 11 December 2024
- Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
- To be announced
£ 11,225,217 m 2023
- Dyddiad y datganiad:
- 11 December 2024
- Cyhoeddiad nesaf:
- To be announced
Datasets related to Cyfrifon sector y DU
Public sector classification guide
Lists current and former public sector bodies – updated to incorporate classification decisions made.
UK Economic Accounts: balance of payments - financial account
Quarterly transactions associated with changes of ownership of the UK's foreign financial assets and liabilities. These include direct, portfolio and other investment, sector analysis and government reserve assets.
UK Economic Accounts: balance of payments - current account
Quarterly transactions in trade in goods and services, primary, secondary and investment income, transactions with EU and non-EU countries and capital account.
The UK national balance sheet estimates
Annual estimates of the market value of financial and non-financial assets for the UK, including by sector and asset.
Profitability of UK companies time series
Annual and quarterly data for the latest profitability estimates of UK companies.
Publications related to Cyfrifon sector y DU
Statistical bulletins
MQ5: Investment by insurance companies, pension funds and trusts: October to December 2018
Investment choices of financial institutions based on financial transactions (investments and disinvestments), including balance sheet data for short-term assets and liabilities, and income and expenditure data.
Profitability of UK companies: April to June 2024
The net rate of return on capital employed for UK private non-financial corporations related to their UK operations.
GDP quarterly national accounts, UK: July to September 2024
Revised quarterly estimate of gross domestic product (GDP) for the UK. Uses additional data to provide a more precise indication of economic growth than the first estimate.
National balance sheet estimates for the UK: 2024
Annual estimates of the market value of financial and non-financial assets for the UK, providing a measure of the nation's wealth.
Capital stocks and fixed capital consumption, UK: 2024
The value and types of non-financial assets used in the production of goods or services within the UK economy and their loss in value over time, annual estimates.
Index of Production, UK: November 2024
Movements in the volume of production for UK production industries: manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy supply, and water and waste management.
National Accounts articles
National accounts improvements to mixed income estimates.
Methodology related to Cyfrifon sector y DU
Darganfyddwch, cymharwch, a dewch yn fyw ystadegau am leoedd yn y Deyrnas Unedig.