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  • Accrued-to-date pension entitlements in social insurance from UK National Accounts Table 29

    Set ddata | Released on 9 January 2024

    Estimates of pension entitlements in social insurance including state pensions, by funded and unfunded, and defined contribution and defined benefit.

    Allweddeiriau: DB, DC, liabilities, social contributions, pension benefits, pension schemes, general government

  • The UK national balance sheet estimates

    Set ddata | Released on 14 December 2023

    Annual estimates of the market value of financial and non-financial assets for the UK, including by sector and asset.

    Allweddeiriau: investments, dwellings, land, national wealth, net worth

  • Capital stocks and fixed capital consumption

    Set ddata | Released on 8 December 2023

    Annual estimates of gross and net capital stocks and consumption of fixed capital in the UK, in current prices and chained volume measures.

    Allweddeiriau: national income, physical capital, fixed assets, depreciation

  • Profitability of UK companies - rates of return and revisions

    Set ddata | Released on 3 November 2023

    Rates of return and revision tables of UK private non-financial corporations by quarter.

    Allweddeiriau: UK continental shelf, services, manufacturing, PNFC, ROR

  • Profitability of UK companies time series

    Set ddata | Dataset ID: PROF | Released on 3 November 2023

    Annual and quarterly data for the latest profitability estimates of UK companies.

    Allweddeiriau: manufacturing, services, uk continental shelf, PNFCs, ROR

  • UK Economic Accounts: financial and non-financial corporations sector

    Set ddata | Released on 29 September 2023

    Distribution and use of income account and capital account, financial account and balance sheet quarterly data for financial and non-financial corporations and their sub-sectors.

    Allweddeiriau: UKEA, accounts, Sector, Saving ratio, RHDI

  • UK Economic Accounts: flow of funds

    Set ddata | Released on 29 September 2023

    Quarterly flow of funds, financial account and balance sheet data for the UK economy by institutional sector.

    Allweddeiriau: RHDI, UKEA, financial accounts, real household disposable income, saving ratio, sector accounts

  • UK Economic Accounts: main aggregates

    Set ddata | Released on 29 September 2023

    Quarterly national accounts aggregates, per head data. These include gross domestic product by income and expenditure, gross value added, gross fixed capital formation, change in inventories, gross operating surplus and revisions.

    Allweddeiriau: RHDI, UKEA, financial accounts, saving ratio, sector accounts

  • UK Economic Accounts: institutional sector - rest of the world

    Set ddata | Released on 29 September 2023

    Distribution and use of income account and capital account, financial account and balance sheet quarterly data for the rest of the world.

    Allweddeiriau: UKEA, RHDI, financial accounts, saving ration, sector accounts, real household disposable income

  • UK Economic Accounts: institutional sector - general government

    Set ddata | Released on 29 September 2023

    Distribution and use of income account and capital account, financial account and balance sheet quarterly data for general government.

    Allweddeiriau: RHDI, UKEA, real household disposable income, financial accounts, saving ratio, sector accounts