Published data related to productivity measures

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  • Labour productivity by industry division

    Productivity hours and output per hour by industry division (two-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)). Seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted. Experimental Statistics, UK.

  • Quarterly regional productivity hours and jobs (ITL1)

    Quarterly UK productivity hours and jobs for the International Territorial Level 1 (ITL1) geographies. Seasonally adjusted and non-seasonally adjusted experimental statistics, UK.

  • Unit labour costs: revisions triangle

    Revisions triangles for unit labour costs, unit wage costs and unit wage costs in manufacturing.

  • Management practices and innovation

    Regression analysis underlying the publication “Management practices and innovation”. Firm-level data relating to 2016. Includes regression table outputs displaying the relationship between management practices and research and development (R&D), innovative expenditure and labour productivity in matched samples across various econometric specifications.

  • Region by industry labour productivity

    Productivity hours, productivity jobs, output per hour, and output per job by UK ITL1 regions (and devolved nations) and industry section. Quarterly Experimental Statistics.

  • Investment in intangible assets in the UK

    Experimental estimates of investment in a broad set of intangible assets from 1992 to 2018, in current and constant prices.

  • Volume index of capital services: asset lives

    Quarterly asset lives by industry and asset for the industries covered in Volume index of capital services.

  • Experimental comparisons of infrastructure across Europe

    Experimental comparisons of infrastructure stocks and investment in the UK and other European countries

  • Spatial labour productivity in Great Britain: multivariate results

    Eight regressions, covering NUTS1 regions and countries, Rural Urban Classification, two-digit Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC 2007), three-digit SIC 2007, local unit size and enterprise size.

  • UK trade in goods and productivity

    Summary statistics of trade firm microdata characteristics from linked survey-trade in goods administrative data.