FOI ref: FOI-2024-2135

You asked

I am hoping to get some information on how often, and how long, your privacy notice is read.

Could you therefore provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000?

  • What were the total number of visits to your website? (i.e. all visits to any part of your website) during the Relevant 12 Month Period?

  • What were the total number of unique users visiting your website (i.e. all visits to any part of your website) during the Relevant 12 Month Period?

  • What were the total number of visits to your Privacy Notice Webpages during the Relevant 12 Month Period?

  • What were the total number of unique users visiting your Privacy Notice Webpages during the Relevant 12 Month Period?

  • What was the average amount of time spent by visitors during a visit to your Privacy Notice Webpages during the Relevant 12 Month Period? i.e. When someone visited those pages, how many seconds did they spend before navigating to a new page?

For these purposes, "Relevant 12 Month Period" would ideally be July 2023 - June 2024 but happy for you to use a similar 12 month period if that is more convenient. The term "Privacy Notice Webpages" means

We said

Thank you for your request.

We use Google Analytics to monitor use of the ONS site. To answer your question we have used the following GA4 metrics 

  • Sessions 

  • Total Users  

  • Average Engagement Time  

The associated download provides a table showing the number of visits, users and average engagement time to the whole of the ONS website as well as specific pages on the site that relate to data privacy. 

The figures are for a 12 month period from 01/07/2023 – 30/06/2024.

These figures only represent users who have accepted cookies on the ONS site.